Thursday, August 15, 2013

Upper Head Injection and Sinister Stuff

I've covered a lot the territory regarding Upper Head Injection in prior entries. NSAC management was directed by EPRI management to "investigate" my assertions.  I cooperated.  After the "investigation" was completed, NSAC produced the following two pages.  Of course, I was not expected to ever see these, but somehow I acquired these.

What is so revealing is the NSAC collaboration with the NRC; I was never aware of that game.  In the following memorandum NSAC apologizes to NRC for Leyse's communication with the NRC following a complaint by NRC.  There is a lot more to the situation under which Leyse communicated with the NRC.  More later on this, but in a nutshell, NSAC had given Leyse his walking papers and Leyse was looking for work.

NSAC was nuts to issue this memorandum.  There are several adjectives that describe the games; sinister covers the ground.

Click on the page to see the entire page, and then use the back arrow to get back.




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