Friday, July 29, 2011

An Impact of Fukushima - Delay in 50.46a

Fukushima struck and our NRC found it convenient to delay stuff, although life extensions and power level increases are proceeding as business as usual.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NEI Briefing for Press - Fukushima 90 Day Report

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Monday, July 18, 2011

NRC now says move fast but they go slow on PRM-50-93

Here is the latest. The great chairman of our NRC tells the public very little, but now he says because of Fukushima the troops must move fast in a lot of uncoordinated actions. In the meantime several petitions by Mark Leyse, highlighted by PRM-50-93, are on the wayside. Jaczko has lots of time for the press on matters of less severity than PRM-50-93.

Click on the following to enlarge and use your back arrow to return here.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Who will beckon to USA nuke refugees?

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A Fast Reaction by NEI

NEI has likely been well on top of NRC Fukushima reactions as the "work" has progressed. As soon as NRC published its first "comprehensive" report, NEI jumped in fast. Click on the following to enlarge and use your return arrow to get back here.

NEI has likely been well on top of NRC Fukushima reactions as the "work" has progressed. As soon as NRC published its first "comprehensive" report, NEI jumped in fast. Click on the following to enlarge and use your return arrow to get back here.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

NUKE Fukushima Steering Committee and PRM-50-93

Very interesting. EPRI, INPO and NEI are focused on Fukushima. NRC claims to lead this stuff but they are elsewhere. However, the focus should be on PRM-50-93. Following are two charts that show the EPRI, INPO and NEI game players for Fukushima. Click to enlarge and use your back arrow to return here.

PRM-50-93 is in several earlier entries in this blog. So are my related attacks on the Baker-Just equation and the fierce defense of Baker-Just by the NRC, NEI, and several elements of the industry. Following is one of several NRC responses to my actions related to PRM-50-93. Again, click to enlarge and use your back arrow to return here.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Times change. Vogtle overrun, who pays? Japan marketing July 2010

Here are two items, Vogtle now and marketing of nuke exports by Japan one year ago. Click to enlarge and use your back key to return. Very interesting.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Partial Reaction to Fukushima

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