Saturday, August 1, 2015

My email to NRC Public Affairs at North Anna, 25 Rods Spent Fuel

Subject: A few deep questions and requests
Date: 8/1/2015 11:04:03 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
From: Send IM to:

For the distribution of this e-mail, you are:
  • Sr. Public Affairs Officer:
           Roger Hannah - 404-997-4417
at the North Anna Power Station, Unit 1
I have a few questions.  Here is brief  background:
There is commotion in Idaho that arises from the plans to ship 25 fuel rods from North Anna to the Idaho National Laboratory.  Here are a few quotes from Idaho news media:
The proposal called for two shipments of 25 commercial spent nuclear fuel rods, one in June and one in January 2016. In total, the fuel would weigh roughly 200 pounds.

The second would be obtained from the North Anna Power Station in Virginia.
The second shipment of rods would be used for researching nuclear fuel storage.

Here are some deep questions and requests:

Tell me how to find the documents on the NRC's web site that detail the licensing by the NRC and that describe the removal of 25 fuel rods from a fuel bundle at the North Anna site.

Since the fuel rods are firmly mounted with spring loading at several points, tell me how the rods are removed without producing significant scratching.  

Has the fuel bundle ever been chemically or ultrasonically cleaned?

How many months has the fuel been operated at significant power; that is, greater than fifty percent?

Have the fuel rods been removed from the bundle?

Thank you,

Robert  Leyse
P. O. Box 2850
Sun Valley, ID 83353

(208) 622-7740