Thursday, July 10, 2008

GETR Lowenstein FOIA, etc.

Here is a lengthy entry including details of an FOIA that I will submit soon.

This FOIA specifes disclosure of the following files, inspection reports and records of other matters that the NRC is obligated to have in its files relative to the General Electric Test Reactor, GETR, License TR-1.

On page 1 of the following 25 page letter from GE to Lowenstein, AEC, September 7, 1962, the following records are disclosed and I want copies of those records under this FOIA.

Lines 3 and 4 of paragraph 2 disclose a report to the AEC on July 19, 1962.

Lines 5 and 6 of paragraph 2 disclose a report to the AEC on July 24, 1962.

Lines 7 and 8 of paragraph 2 disclose "... numerous visits and close liaison ..."

Lines 9 through 12 of paragraph 2 disclose "The inspectors personally participated in the examination and inspection of control rod components. Their frequent presence, their participation, and their comments provided valuable assistance to General Electric personnel in analyzing the problems encountered."

Lines 2 and 3 of paragraph 3 disclose telegrams dated July 30, 1962, and August 2, 1962.

Lines 4 through 7 of paragraph 3 disclose that "... the Commission's field inspectors had been in contact with and had regularly informed appropriate individuals in the Division of Licensing and Regulation of the events discussed herein."

Lines 3 through 5 of page 24 disclose, "A redesign of the control rods has been initiated for fabrication and installation in March, 1963. The designs will be forwarded to your office review and approval prior to installation."

Lines 1 through 3 of page 25 disclose, "It is our understanding that we will meet with representatives of the Division of Licensing and Regulation during the week of September 24, 1962 to discuss this report and the events described herein."

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