Friday, January 13, 2012

Simulators as Cover-Ups

And, the EDF simulators likely have hydrogen produced well above 1200 Centigrade, if they produce any at all.

More on Air France 447 from Dick Rutan.

From Dick Rutan:

Every "actual" pilot should read this.

Two things:

1. The Airbus cmptr system algorithm is designed by a bunch cmptrnerds who have no understanding of aviation. (that comment is kind)

2. The copilots are not even actual pilots but from the same world as cmptr nerds that designed the system. I'll call them "cmptr nerdpilots" who should not be allowed to operate a wheelbarrow.

This is worse than I thought....the pitot tube ice over was just temporary and most of the time all indications were normal. What drooling idiot would design a plane where the right seat had no indication of what the left seat was doing with the stick. OH yes the nerds at Airbus.

To say that this was "Pilot Error" ...... lacks understanding of the ramifications of this gargantuan screw up starting with nerds that designed this travesty and the "aircrews that operate it. (AIRBUS)And to think someone has allowed them (AIRBUS) to put into operation a plane that can carry 400 naive souls. OMG for the sake of aviation in this century why has no one put a stop to this insanity?

dick rutan an actual pilot

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