Friday, July 26, 2013

Hardened vented containment in BWRs (and ice condensers).  Here is my latest e-mail to NRC:

Subject:Re: Please respond
Date:7/25/2013 2:16:00 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time

Thank you for promptly pointing out my error.
I prefer to leave the ball in your court, and I've extended the date for your response to Friday, August 9, 2013. 
The correct reference is ML13143A321, page 33 of 36.  On that page I read:
1.2 The HCVS shall include the following design features:
1.2.1 The HCVS shall have the capacity to vent the steam/energy equivalent of 1 percent of iicensed/rated thermal power (unless a lower value is justified by analyses), and be able to maintain containment pressure below the primary containment design pressure.

I've been trying to get NRC to provide a list of references that document the basis for 1.2.1.

Certainly, NRC should realize that the amount of hydrogen produced at Fukushima as well as the timing and rate of hydrogen production was not related to 1 percent of the operating power levels of those units. 

I've tried earlier to find this out, without success.  If I do not get a satisfactory answer from NRC by August 9, 2013, I'll forward this e-mail to my Idaho U. S. Senator Risch.

Robert H. Leyse

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

BWR Hardened Vented Containment (Some repitition)

Hardened Vented Containment and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner

The Dreamliners were grounded until the batteries were contained and vented.

In contrast, the Fukushima sister BWRs in the USA continue operating without a glitch while our NRC ponders what to do about the lack of venting.  Of course there is a lot of activity and NRC now says that a hardened vent with the capacity to vent the steam/energy equivalent of one (1) percent of licensed/rated thermal power is adequate although a lower value may be justified by analysis.

ML13143A321 Hardened vents for BWRs

The pages are not numbered, but on page 33 of 36:

1.2 The HCVS shall include the following design features:

1.2.1 The HCVS shall have the capacity to vent the steam/energy equivalent of one
(1) percent
of licensed/rated thermal power (unless a lower value is justified by analyses), and be able to restore and then maintain containment pressure below the primary containment design pressure and the primary containment pressure limit.

And, the NRC is in no sweat.  Here is the schedule:

These Licensees shall promptly start implementation of the requirements in Attachment 2 to this Order upon issuance of the associated final interim staff guidance (ISG) for each phase, and shall complete the two phases of implementation by the following dates:

Phase 1 (severe accident capable wetwell venting system): no later than startup
from the second refueling outage that begins after June 30, 2014, or
June 30, 2018, whichever comes first.

Phase 2, (severe accident capable drywell venting system): no later than startup
from the first refueling outage that begins after June 30, 2017, or June 30, 2019,
whichever comes first.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Filtered vented containment - Leyse's Further Request -

Here is an e-mail that I sent to NRC, again seeking documents that must be in the public arena.

Subject:Re: REPLY: Memorandum of Understanding Between NRC and EPRI on Cooperative Nu...
Date:7/11/2013 3:19:42 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time

EPRI, NRC and DOE had a closed meeting on September 30, 2011.  Among matters discussed was addenda to the MOU between EPRI and NRC.  I have requeseted the addenda.  You sent ADAMS numbers for four, the most recent being ML101270008 that is dated April 26, 2010.
There must be more recent addenda that were discussed during the closed meeting.
In addition to matters discussed during the closed meeting of  September 30, 2011, there must be documents of activities between EPRI, NRC and perhaps others in the arena of hardened vents and filtered hardened vents.  I would also appreciate those references. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

NRC and EPRI Collaborations, Filtered Vent

Below are a series of e-mail exchanges between this blogger, Leyse, and the NRC as Leyse has sought and gained access to some of the documentation of activites between the NRC and the Electric Power Research Institute.  

Leyse is after more facts on the  collaborations in venting of BWR and Ice Condenser Containments.  Also Leyse wants more facts on Spent Fuel Pool research.

Thank you, Brett
In a message dated 6/24/2013 2:45:12 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

Mr. Leyse,

We are still reviewing each of the addenda to determine releasability.  I wanted to inform you of some that are available to the public.

Addendum Title
ADAMS Accession Number
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (renewal)
Seismic Risk
Seismic Risk (renewal)

I should be able to provide another update in two weeks.  Thank you for your patience.


Brett Rini

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:25 AM
To: Rini, Brett
Subject: Re: REPLY: Memorandum of Understanding Between NRC and EPRI on Cooperative Nu...

Brett Rini:

I am in a sweat to get this stuff.

Bob Leyse

In a message dated 6/10/2013 2:33:05 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Mr. Leyse,

We are reviewing the addenda to ensure there is no information that should not be released to the public.  This may take a few weeks, as we have a handful of addenda with EPRI.  I will keep you informed of our progress.

The MOU with EPRI on cooperative research is owned by the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES).  I will be your point of contact for this effort.


Brett Rini

Brett A. Rini
Technical Assistant
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 5:24 PM
To: Rini, Brett
Subject: Re: REPLY: Memorandum of Understanding Between NRC and EPRI on Cooperative Nu...


Unfortunately  my request to t he Commissioners was incomplete.
Brett Rini

In ML113120182 I read:

(3) Identify progress made and any obstacles to making progress in tasks identified in the
addenda to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NRC and EPRI on
Cooperative Nuclear Safety Research (ADAMS Accession No. ML092290122).

I need the addenda.  Perhaps, in line with the spirit of the spirit of the Commissioners, you will promptly e-mail the addenda.

Please reply promptly.

Bob Leyse

In a message dated 6/4/2013 12:02:16 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Mr. Leyse,

In response to your e-mail to the NRC Commissioners, dated April 23, 2013, the staff has reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Electric Power Research Institute and decided to make it publically available.  You can now find the MOU in ADAMS at ML092290122.

Thank you for your interest in NRC research activities.

Brett Rini

Brett A. Rini
Technical Assistant
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Chairman and Commissioners:
Please release ML092290122. 
ML092290122 is listed as non-public in internal ADAMS.
The attachment to this e-mail, spent fuel pool.doc, illustrates at least part of my direct and immediate interest in ML092290122.
Robert H. Leyse

Sent: 4/23/2013 8:29:21 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Please, ML092290122

Thank you for that prompt reply.
In a message dated 4/23/2013 6:32:46 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Bob,

ML092290122 is listed as non-public in internal ADAMS.
Accession Number: ML092290122
Document Title: Memorandum of Understanding Between US NRC and Electric Power Research Institute on Cooperative Nuclear Safety Research.
Estimated Page Count: 6
 Document Date: Mar 14, 2007
 Document Type: "Legal-Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding"
  Author Name: "Modeen D J"; "Sheron B W"
 Author Affiliation: "Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)"; "NRC/RES/DE"
Availability: Non-Publicly Available


Mary Mendiola
Technical Librarian
US NRC Public Document Room

From: []
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:38 PM
To: PDR Resource
Subject: Please, ML092290122


Please e-mail the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NRC and EPRI on Cooperative Nuclear Safety Research (ADAMS Accession No. ML092290122).  It is identified as follows in ML113120182.  However, I have no luck in getting that.

3) Identify progress made and any obstacles to making progress in tasks identified in the addenda to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NRC and EPRI on Cooperative Nuclear Safety Research (ADAMS Accession No. ML092290122).

Thank you,


Thursday, July 4, 2013

ML13143A321 Hardened vents for BWRs

I sent the following e-mail to NRC on June 20, 2013.  So far there is no reply.

ML13143A321 Hardened vents for BWRs
Date:6/20/2013 11:03:19 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
The pages are not numbered, but on page 33 of 36:
1.2 The HCVS shall include the following design features:
1.2.1 The HCVS shall have the capacity to vent the steam/energy equivalent of one
(1) percent
of licensed/rated thermal power (unless a lower value is justified by analyses), and be able to restore and then maintain containment pressure below the primary containment design pressure and the primary containment pressure limit.
Please e-mail a list of references that justify the one percent.
Bob Leyse