Thursday, December 28, 2017

A repeat from 10 years ago Relax

Sunday, October 7, 2007


RELAXSo, let's relax and enjoy ourselves as we forget about Regulation by Myth! Let's go into the world of precision skydiving at to view a fantastic video clip and other presentations.
The above photograph shows the Silver Surfer attacking the formation "4." Moments later, the formation is shattered as the Surfer penetrates the eye of the perfectly built 4.Of course, skydiving is for everyone, although it takes a bit of practice and devotion to match the skills of the Silver Surfer and the formation "4" The photographs below show blogger Leyse in action about 22 years ago.
Above is your blogger at 8,000 feet during his first training jump on September 28, 1985. We bailed out at 10,500 feet near the jumpzone of the California Parachute Club near Livermore, California. I am in red, my primary jumpmaster, Phillipe Icardo, is on the left. My secondary jumpmaster, Bryan Roach, is on the right. We drop at about 100 miles per hour (88 feet per second) and about 45 seconds after the above scene I pulled my ripcord at 4,000 feet.

This is a great scene as my jumpmasters flee. From that point on, I am on my own (mostly).

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