Saturday, May 10, 2014

50.59 Ultrasonic Fuel Cleaning Callaway Cycle 10 & 11

RFR 19637
Approve the use of an ultrasonic fuel cleaner.
This RFR approved the use of an ultrasonic fuel cleaning apparatus to remove crud from partially burned fuel assemblies to be reloaded into the reactor and the immersion of the treated coupon assembly while fuel cleaning operations are being performed.
The ultrasonic cleaning process was developed by Dominion Engineering, Inc., under the sponsorship of EPRIs Robust Fuels Program. This evaluation concluded that use of the ultrasonic fuel cleaning apparatus in the spent fuel pool as described in this RFR would not adversely affect any safety related systems or components. Also it was determined that the use of the ultrasonic cleaning process on the fuel assemblies would not adversely affect the fuel assemblies such that they could not be operated for the remainder of Cycle 11. It was determined that no unreviewed safety question exists for this change.
RFR 19637
Approve the use of an ultrasonic fuel cleaner.
Revision A to this RFR evaluated the use of an ultrasonic fuel cleaning apparatus to remove crud from up to 4 fuel assemblies with the intent of operating these fuel assemblies in the core for the remainder of Cycle 10.
Revision B to this RFR approved the use of the ultrasonic fuel cleaning apparatus to remove crud from up to 16 fuel assemblies to be loaded in the reactor core for Cycle 11.
The ultrasonic cleaning process was developed by Dominion Engineering, Inc., under the sponsorship of EPRIs Robust Fuels Program. This evaluation concluded that use of the ultrasonic fuel cleaning apparatus in the spent fuel pool as described in this RFR would not adversely affect any safety related systems or components. Also it was determined that the use of the ultrasonic cleaning process on the fuel assemblies would not adversely affect the fuel assemblies such that they could not be operated for the remainder of Cycle 10. It was determined that no unreviewed safety question exists for this change.

Ref: ETP-ZZ-ST022, Revision 000, Revision 001, and Revision 002
        ETP-ZZ-ST023, Revision 000 and Revision 001
       ETP-ZZ-ST024, Revision 000 and Revision 001
       ETP-ZZ-00050, Revision 000

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