Saturday, October 5, 2019

FOIA request, based on attached letter, Lang to Layman

Subject: This is an FOIA request,  based on attached letter, Lang to Layman
Date: 10/5/2019 5:29:09 PM Mountain Standard Time

This FOIA consists of a request for documents that are discussed in the attached letter, Layman December 13, 1984.  This letter documents a telephone conversation between Wayne Lanning of the NRC  and Gary Vine of EPRI's Nuclear Safety Analysis Center.  This telephone conversation was initiated by the NRC.

In paragraph 1. there is a reference to an AEOD memorandum dated February 28, 1984.  Under this  FOIA I am demanding a copy of that AEOD memorandum that is dated February 28,1984.

In paragraph 3, there is a reference to an AEOD evaluation.  I  want copy of that AEOD evaluation.

In paragraph 4.a. there is reference to a memorandum dated October 3, 1984, "UHI-Ultra High Risk" from which the author had been obscured.  I want a copy of that memorandum that has the obscured features.

In paragraph 4.c. there is reference to a joint AEOD/NRR response to Keppler.  I want a copy  of that response.

In paragraph 5. there is discussion of the valued technical relationship between NSAC and AEOD.  I want a copy of all of the records of that technical relationship.

Robert H. Leyse

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