Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bob Leyse, Bird Lover

Or, maybe I'm a criminal for releasing a pigeon in Manhattan. Here I am visiting this great place. I have been here for less than 24 hours and already I've saved a pigeon. The weather is great and Radio Shack at 1st Avenue and 77th Street had its front door open. I was doing business when the workers talked about a pigeon that flew in. It had been there several hours and was the object of the rapt attention of a five year old young man.

Well, for some reason I got involved. I took off my quality black Pendleton wool hat and moved toward its perch on a higher shelf. The bird flew toward the front window, fluttered against that barrier and wound up on a lower ledge. I covered it with my hat, and with my other hand I captured the poor thing and then released it via the open front door.

A small crowd witnessed the scene and cheered as the pigeon flew to freedom. The young man smiled.

The weather is a great, clear and crisp; it is an ideal October day in Manhattan.

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